Andre, thank you. I appreciate the thought of us, the whole as a metric, calculation being their equation, alas…here we are, ever primitive. Sad as feelings go, while worst than can be, when modern times require a post primitive reply to the question of what becomes us. I like what you said. It implication, especially so. Seashells being a condition for which the sea exists is what I am thinking about. Your work as a deeper thinker has taken you out beyond the tide, and its immediate allures.
Greed, a sense of zero sum games or as commerce demands, everyone be aware, the deal complete, check out the cards dealt you…and divvy up, the game awaits, sort of awakening. What becomes of the man who spends a life with the beast? We know. Its the premise supporting your assertions. I know as well, having devoured it. Over and over again until enveloped in its grit, and its daunting asunder, now…living beyond existence…post regurgitative state. Eric