Are you straddling a fence or simply playing both sides against the middle? Or better yet, please explain how the notion of heaven is hokum while not being there in the afterlife is what happens to those who don't follow Jesus in this life.
Is not heaven a man' s construct? A place leveraged against those who fear, fear life and death. If so, and how can it not be, why introduce the subject with equivocations? The concept of such a place links back to the good vs bad phenom which the Bible has as a foundational truth. Vs is a sad piece of Christian sophistry that never ends. Never, being precisely never. A birth, a sinner, at death a good boy vs bad girl, one to the heavens the other not. Hokum is all I have to offer unless the notion of something entirely different is open for discussion. How about no Christianity and more about the universe being a state of nature where we all reside, equal as nature allows its creatures. When the body ends, nature wins. Win the new body arrives, nature wins. How you ask. By the universal growing in wisdom through the experience called life. A concept that sends Christianity and its born again sort off the rails. And back to the myths it is derived from.
Lastly, as for Jesus, i have always respected the malcontents roaming amongst us. Especially those who state their minds...and hearts without fear of what comes next. A gentle sort ever the warrior poet. Not a God. Just a man on a mission. A mission for the ages.
Enjoy your coffee and thank you for the pleasure of your thoughts. While sharing your musings.