History and its facts, alas...myths over time when the facts are incorrect to begin with. Paul never knew Jesus. Jesus was long departed when Paul began is work as a lesser apostle. This status, self anointed by the way, came on the heals of more suggested facts proven over time as being otherwise. Paul was saved from the Jews by the Romans because he acquired, bought with cash, Roman citizenship. Where did the cash derive from? From the newly recruited believers and their kind offerings he preached to in the region now known as Greece.
These realities do not mesh well with the current church's wishes or intentions. Or storylines. Nor does your mimicking such tactics offer history its proper due.
Ron, I respect your intentions while deeply question their consequences and results. Tread lightly, think hard and deeply beyond the norm when merging stories over time with current day story telling is all I wish to say.
Thanks for listening.