Humans by nature are easy marks for paths of least resistance. Sad. But true. Religion and its God is self help pre-packaged and set to go. Simply believe and have faith and alas, you are set for pain medication without the work. Or thinking. Just feel it...the change when you transfer your own efficacy over to the higher being, God. Jesus the sacrifice is the second God. And then toss in the Holy Ghost for ballast and viola, you are home free [ free of deep thinking or the wonders that come with hard work]. Why God? Because its easy. And hard to walk away from easy when you believe you are not capable of doing such on your own. Sad. But true. Or at the least, worthy of thinking about. Unless. Unless you are a true believer who has his or her identity inexorably linked to such wonders. Then the worst unfolds and wars unleash. Sad. But history serves where proof is required. Sad, oh, so sad.