eric miller
1 min readJul 28, 2021


Its never the culture that makes a difference or who would ever evolve when the culture's foundational truth is about conformity.

The culture is external. Outside of your control. Thus, learn and understand as best you can about it...a context is critical. Then what? Step back I say...and view again. This time not it as a enveloper over you...or against you...or a creator of your being but something different.

The culture is what you perceive it to be. Bad...brutal or devilish it is yours to see but not allow to take reins over you. Remember all vibrant futures are built on strong substrates...while never on the run. Make a stand. Then what you ask?

The perception is all that matters. It is the only thing you can control.

The culture cares no a wit or scintilla about you. Never has. Nor will it ever.

Take back your view and realign. See it...your surrounds...i.e. culture and make it yours. Not visa visa. How you are feeling has nothing to do with the external or its triggers. Its the view you have created that is the feeling. The external the trigger like with all weapons ready for its handlers intent.

Realigned according to a revised perspective and understanding, now act, critically as in all things of genuine value, accordingly. Make it yours to grow from knowing control of the external is ever a delusion.




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