Letting go...one step and then, another and the next until the inevitable. I like the tension and tingling as much as anything.
Jo, I just finished your recent essay, Starting Over at 70, which spring loaded me for more. And now Letting Go...and what becomes of impressions are better stated, identity... when laid to rest. Here is an insight, not solicited nevertheless...your foundational truths have never started over.
As a career Social Worker, licensed and overtime, no doubt venerated, there were the foundational truths. Empathy...deep and abiding. Yearning to assist the unassisted. A desire to be of value to others. And of course, a fervent wish to make a difference...a sliver of light in a dark world riddled with despair. And here you are, around a few corners. Down another road standing strong with time on your hands... taking a pause to reflect. Clutching not your pearls but your pen to paper. Arching like all warrior poets. Back to you and where you are genuinely meant to be. Doing the same while different means, ever to what truly matters...abiding by your original foundational truths.
As for me, I am deeply interested in hearing more of your stories. It goes to my foundational truths as I comprehend them. And there you have it, my way of saying thank you. Eric