Like all wonders that age creates, can perspective change or simply morph into blurred eyesight? Or worse? I think so. And not. To the latter allow me to add a possibility to your perspective, kind and sacred sage.
How about a view where adding derives from subtracting ? With loss you have value added is what I mean to say. How about the loss of a friend or relative or both means not the accumulative effect of more holes. But the wonders that accumulate with the memories of what it meant to have not lose. And there in the midst of such a perspective, an added notion, more you possess the more you have to gain, not lose. For in the loss comes the additional feeling.
How grand it was to have them in your life and the notion, the memories remain forever. Growing more essential by the day.
So you lose not while gaining more. You gain more while losing more and more. And there is a wonder to behold. The simplest of facts, the reality of equations, when adding derives from subtracting.
From a ancient member of the clan , I end by offering my appreciation for all that you have said. And felt. And shared. For what you have said today, is now apart of what today will be remembered for.
Thank you for that.