Loneliness is a strange sort of cat, all feral ... part wild and yes, part domestic. I trust you are both. Lately, with your new found freedom, more domestic then anticipated. And alas, alone as you describe it. Not so... oh, brilliant one. Sage to many, while lost within.
Think about it.
How can you be lonely with the man who created such a wonder? How can you be lonely when you are both the creator and the created?
My God my boy, get a grip. You are liberated and emancipated and freedom rings. No, those are not church bells. They are your heartstrings for God's sake.
Now celebrate with tears of joy. Tears and more where they came from. And get a grip. And as for your balance mandate, fuck that. You simply require ballast as you set sails you lucky, freedom bound traveler you. The next acquaintance awaits around the corner.
Besides what good is freedom if you don't enjoy it.