eric miller
3 min readNov 1, 2024


Mike, I deeply appreciate your passion. And earnestness. And the courage to express it. But beyond the ranting and yelping and stating the obvious what have you really accomplished?

Each essay mimics the preceding one. And to think a thinker like yourself could say this "..Planetary resources and wealth must be redistributed to build sustainable regions. This cannot be left to traditional rulers or politicians. Greed is not a virtue. The capitalist machine based on ramping up of pointless productivity must be terminated."

While harking to prep-school rhetoric of the first order I can only suggest you recalibrate. And take another gander. How do you believe the ultra wealthy acquired such stature? And yet, you belabor while sacrificing your credibility suggesting they would agree to asset redistribution. Their assets are what you are suggesting. Never. Not now but never unless taken from them. But not freely. Stop productivity and spread the wealth is the answer you say. Whose wealth, yours? The middle class dude living off his words? Who else is going to give up what little they have? Not the poor with no pot to piss in. Nor the rich who control all systems worthy of owning. Including the government at all levels beginning at the top.

Your suggestion is like saying lets band the wind for we all live in a house of cards. Why think such wonders exist in reality? When we don't own the wind nor can ever control it, maybe your focus needs alteration. Maybe it is on the wrong weather system. Could that be valid? That sort of system that does not require a weatherman to deem which way the wind is blowing.

Mike, what about the nature of what systems create when left to their own graces? Even the weather at its worse passes. Not to dismiss the aftermath but to suggest us Sapiens need a new set of vectors. That's all. The point being maybe your global redesign needs a refocusing. Just maybe we need to take heed and focus on what we can control. Like the weather system between our ears...the residential polar caps. While listening not to the distant drum roar of forthcoming doom but the nature of our own hearts. One on one seems about right. One with yourself. One with your brother and sister. From there revolutions begin. And revolutions proceed on the lips of the strongest. ..ala the purpose driven nature of what essence is about. Not ranting in the wind but careful thought and pondering as you pivot your sails is all I am talking about.

Lastly, regarding the national election and the notion the world as we know it is soon to end, hokum is all I can muster to such bluster.

Trump is a classic narcissistic personality disorder which is a bad thing if you seek empathy. But a good thing if you want a man who needs constant attention. Attention ...making do with the likes of what he deems essential, for himself and the impressions he creates.

As for the likes of Harris and the cabal she works for, she is far worse then the likes of a mental disorder. She is a ghost, with no place to go except where she is told to. A haunting reminder every time she speaks that an hour of babble is still a tower of babble for those in the know. A perfect edifice for the ultra wealthy. As they manipulate their puppet for keeping not what they possess but acquiring more of where ever she is sent to acquire. Be aware. These are times of mental disorder and ghosts and no one to blame for we have built the house of cards. And the wind, she is a blowing.

Thanks again Mike. Like I said, I enjoy your vigor.



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