Myla, your work as I have stated previously, is a wonder to behold. "...wispy white contrails of fog trail you" sort of prose is what I am talking about. As to the crist in the mill, the treatise of never having a relationship with a covert narcissist, the deeper you go the more you realize a fact, you did. Oh yes, and more if you settle into what deep digs afford. The pedigree for which you are now exploring is what i am speaking to. And there .... the revelations that only time and pondering can imagine, is the genuine nature of journeys. And the likes of what it means to live vibrantly.
I deeply appreciate your quest and its wonders. Your crafting of words, a cadence for late night dancing and early morning eye openers alike, makes for easy comprehension of that which is bitter to the senses, ala relationships of a different sort.
As to relationships with yourself, your kinship to the craft of words becoming messages, the latter being truths with myths to boot, ever a rue for strange bedfellows and lost souls alike, are genuine pleasures far beyond the fonts and their fateful wishes. As to alien relationships and their sacred truths, keep seeking... warrior poet. You are near where all treks emerge, arriving at another intersection. Stay the course.... the best awaits, just around the corner.