Nice work…essential effort with much to consider and even more to do. As my photo suggests, according to your theoretical issue, I am akin to its cause and effect. To that outcome, I don’t agree. Yet, please be aware agreeing is a minor concern.
I am concerned with broad brush narratives as catch all for creating premises. It feels like a vale attempt at a power grab. It doesn’t take a perfume master to smell the motives of the local politician gerrymandering the voting district. Think about it. Are you still here? If so, I simply wish to offer a perspective that might serve your interests…all of our interests. First an awakening…
Confessions being had, I am simply a common man, from a common progenitor from the Common Wealth of Kentucky. That’s my take. Grab it and freely create whatever narrative you choose. What would be untrue and unjust is to personally label me a racist or supreme or guilt ridden.
Yes, my father’s mother was a racist. She opening admitted to it. In fact, she spoke proudly of it almost like a badge of courage. My mother’s father, the Methodist minister, grew up with five siblings in a dirt floor log cabin in a place sunlight rarely found. He loved freely. Often he teared… at times in torrents when recalling the infinite moments when the only sacred truth was survival. To that vista, allow me an additional thought. Tactically, it serves your strategy.
Guilt acknowledgement is suggesting a liar will no longer be one if they acknowledge the lie. Guilt driven redemption is as false and hollow as the people that will admit to it. The guilt ridden admissions are the sinners in the confessional looking for a quick fix. Like all quick fixes, they are accompanied with a weak substrate.
Stephanie, I would suggest what you deserve…certainly require…stands on virtue or doing simply what is right consistent with words and actions…for all …as brothers and sisters of a common heritage…humanity…together. The intention alone will play to the universal heartstrings…even minds…possibly pocketbooks both deep and shallow.
Virtue is a universal truth. Guilt is possessed by those who have refused to live according to it. Why align with someone who has historically run from their fears? Ironically, they are interwoven if not fundamentally apart of creating the issues you want to resolve.
The power brokers and political hacks aside, my ancient, grey haired 73 years suggests our civilization is ready. The key is the foundational truths that stand in support of the springboard. They must be resolute…stalwarts…unyielding.
You require the best. Covet the strong individual each possessing self efficacy boldly, loyally aliened with you …your friends and their friends…all our friends. The front lines must be inherently, emotionally, intellectually vibrant.
The history of our nation…all countries…each civilization is marked in time by a sacred often solitary voice…with the inevitable masses of voices to follow. The sacred comes from those to whom great risk is worthy of a greater cause. The fearful will always remain, like the Good Germans, ever reeds in the wind. Leave them be.
Stephanie, don’t recruit those on their knees so you and they can feel strong…or redeemed. Ask those already standing to willfully cover your back while progressing shoulder to shoulder toward a transcendent day. Eventually, the rest will follow…or as they must…remain sadly… inevitably… cowering in the shadows. Not you. Hopefully, you will remain standing centered on our human virtues ever the warrior poet.
Good luck and safe journey.