Not as grand a message as I had hoped. Why? Too wishy washy with the straddling effect leaving me wishing you would take a stand. And remain there. An argument without the need to not take a stand is the same as being an artist by proclaiming with evidence. It simply falls short. Way too short for a stand to balance on.
You are either authentic or not. Period. Hard stop. To waffle with it is human. I get it. But to relinquish if for the hope of being accepted has no end. Your notion it does is a fallacy. For in human nature if one step backwards is easy how about two as it gets easier and easier. All for the sake of not excepting the hard and brutal truth that some among us will not except you unless. Unless you are not you. Vanquish or be true? Alas, the ancient question that you straddled using fallacies as logic.
Enjoy your day.