The likes of us, those humans who realize there is more than simply us, then the reality of what never could be imagined, is. Is imagined. And there you are. Standing or sitting... whatever is your pleasure, pondering the reality beyond our comprehension. Until now. But that requires more.
How do we create a new hypothesis that sets into the motion the hunt for the unimaginable? Ah, the trek into the non material while avoiding the need to be what others have already concluded.
I love the notion of what is real is beyond our reality. At least for now.
And naturally there are the few such as yourself who seek the natural course of one's self, and there his truth is know. Keep on and on as you go... for there, around a few corners from there it awaits. The land of the truth according to what no one has ever known before. The world of the non material where all that became before awaits. Ah, and there everything begins anew.
I do look forward to what comes next. Write on. Ponder and seek, and then write as you must while critically seek beyond the likes of brain and its material worth.