Tribal wars are bound for a reason, Sad. They continue. One then the next as generations never change. There is only one solution. One. Not two.
Get rid of religious leaders and hand the land and its government back to the people.
Religion is an institution that needs to remain in power. At all costs. Including the reason death and dying is continuing to prosper. Alas, them vs us.
Get from a place of them vs us to a place simply of people. Until then, die and dying and generational suffering will be bound to continue. And you as well.
As long as you believe God is on your side you are on the wrong side. God if God is all good as you must believe, takes no sides. Like man an his religious beliefs. God is in man, for man and women not religion.
Thank about it. Call your friends. And relations. Start a revolution. Or die and dying will be you and your friends., for generations to come. And your children as well. Sad. But not necessary. So get to work. Its your country.