What grand words, a message of what it means to be simply what one is here to do, love. And be loved, but love nevertheless. Sadly, your message went limp at the end .
Full surrender to Jesus is never to found in the thesis Jesus was bound to. This is a traditional default and once again the likes of regressive behavior.
Stop abdicating your personal responsibility to self and get a grip on what Jesus really sought, the better self via self love and hence, the critically love for others, neighbors and non-neighbors alike. The crisis you refer to is the ease of religions in forgetting this critical point. Its not about the religion. Or abdication. Or shadowing a grander him or her. It about being one with the true self while doing so selflessly. It about crisis as you mentioned and taking heed, its abides within.
Thanks for your message. It was vibrant and robust until the default. Nevertheless an event of worthy thought.