What thesis is there whose premises are focused on a duel nature of politics and economics can derive an argument focused on exclusively one.
Your "key[s]" are opening the wrong doors. Not the wrong house to go along with your subject and definition of prosperity, but the wrong doors.
Your intent is to not open a door into a room of opportunity unlike ever in the course of human affairs, but to spring a trap door where current agendas of despair and hatred can be nurtured. Where there is a winner in the room you unlocked comes the victim who is your real focus.
Where there is a victim there is an institution that is racist or worse, greedy and nefarious. The individual be damned as you conclude with your false premise; labor rights is the key to prosperity focused on unions. Not labor as a talent. Or strength. But as an institution.
By taking this position you demean the individual and his or her ability to create and prosper.
Shelter is a human right. Property ownership is a human right as well. But governments intent is never aligned with guaranteeing either. It simply is there to create the right door leading into the correct room in a large house of many rooms. Never perfect but there nevertheless via founding principle.
You are wrong. Both with premises and conclusion but worse, you do not comprehend the genuine meaning of prosperity.