Yes, Trump is focused on one thing...exclusively. Trump...! He is a narcissist with a severe personality disorder. NPD individuals wish for attention, and critically, a sense of essence. The essence derives from others [ or symbols or images] for the disorder always arches back to his sacred belief he is of little genuine value hence, ever seeking affirmation from others.
Once the affirmation ends the narcissist will come back where the territory was once ripe. This is called hovering. Hovering never ends unless the narcissist finds a new source for affirmation.
The third party option is real. Not logical or practical nor even creative. It is a grand option though for the narcissist who deems his identity to be defined not by internal truths but the images and symbols...and crowds and waving hands all focused on him...the sad soul, lost in smoke and mirrors. How sad. But perfect for a society whose salient truths are unto itself defined by nothing less.